JSlip  1.0

Double-entry bookkeeping tool
BKSJ : Bookkeeping System for Japanese
JSlip : Japanese Accounting Slip Tool

How to implement


  • Environment

    LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

  • PHP

    Version 7 or later

  • Database

    MariaDB 5.5, MySQL 5.5 or 5.7

  • TeX

    platex, dvipdfmx


  1. Create Database

    Create Schema. For example, jslipdb.

  1. Prepare a secret keywords

    For example, ndvjksahdCSkdd.

  1. Edit a file ''jslip/src/local.php''

    ``‘ define('TARGET’, "dev"); // dev, staging or product

    define('RCLICK', true); // Enable/Disable the right click define('MAX_SLIP', 10000); // Maximum number of slips define('EXPIRE', "2030-05-31"); // Service deadline define('YEARS', [2001, 2999]); define('ROLE', ['user', 'root']); define('TMP_DIR', "ndvjksahdCSkdd"); // The important secret keyword

    define('DEF_FUNC', "Login"); define('URL_BASE', "/dev/jslip/"); // Implementation dependent

    if (TARGET == "dev") {

    define('DB_HOST',      "... DB server IP address ...");  // DB server IP address
    define('DB_USER',      "... DB account ...");            // DB account
    define('DB_PASS',      "... DB password ...");           // DB password
    define('DB_NAME',      "jslipdb");                       // DB database name (DB schema name)
    define('UTL_PHP',      "/... anywhere .../php");         // Implementation dependent
    define('UTL_DELETE',   "/... anywhere .../rm");          // Implementation dependent
    define('UTL_PLATEX',   "/... anywhere .../platex");      // Implementation dependent
    define('UTL_DVIPDFMX', "/... anywhere .../dvipdfmx");    // Implementation dependent

    } elseif (TARGET == "staging") { ```

  1. Rename the file

    The file ''chk_pw.php'' contains the initial password.
    ddl/chk_pw.php —> ddl/chk_pw_ndvjksahdCSkdd.php

  1. Rename the directory

    tmp/zAArCsCzgF —> tmp/ndvjksahdCSkdd

  1. Edit the SQL files.


    use `datagram_js`  ---> use `jslipdb`
  1. Execute SQL (Create tables)

    MariaDB [jslipdb]> . ddl_jslip.sql

  1. Initial login

    At first, log in as root.